Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe in the Great Commission; therefore, we commit to giving 10% of what we recieve in financial donations back to missions. When you give to Truth & Grace, you are also giving to missionaries & ministries
that share the Good News that Jesus wants a relationship with them!
that share the Good News that Jesus wants a relationship with them!

George Odero

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission

Ramon & Miros Hernandez
Monterrey, Mexico

Missionaries & Ministries we Financially Support
Chi Alpha Campus Ministry at EAstern Illinois University
Mark & Jenn Bettinger & other EIU leaders help students at EIU to know, love & serve Jesus!
Compassion INternational
Our Trace Kids support a child named Luzmey who lives in Guatemala
EAstern Dominican Christian Mission
These 6 churches, led by Dominican & Haitian pastors, are in the SE area of the Dominican Republic.. They also have 3 Kingdom businesses (water treatment plant, medical clinic & a Christian school)
Fellowship of Christian athletes at
EAstern illinois university
Trey Stille leads athletes at EIU to understand & live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
FUEL Ministries
Drawing racers & their families to Jesus through dynamic trackside ministry & life-changing camps
Pastor George Odero in Kenya, AFrica
George is an evangelist & pastor who strives to point all people in his village & surrounding villages to the saving knowledge of Jesus & live a surrendered life for Christ. Many in our church additionally support a widow on a monthly basis.
Holt international
Our Trace Students support a child named Usukh-Ireedui who lives in Mongolia
Tim Tebow Foundation
They have 4 main focuses: anti-human trafficking & child exploitation, orphan care & prevention, profound medical needs, and special needs ministry
Ramon Hernandez in Monterrey, Mexico
Pastor Ramon leads Gilgal Baptist Church in Monterrey & assists 8 other church plants in Mexico by doing pastoral training & helping with clothing, food, VBS & spiritual guidance
Resurrection Point Ministry
Local house that helps men in need find a place to belong; biblical living is taught & modeled
We love our local Christian radio station!! Tune in to 88.1 in our area, 91.7 in the Champaign area, 93.9 in the Effingham area
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Our support helps fund a Bible being designed for the deaf in Colombia
2024 Missions Trip
15 people from Truth & Grace went to Kenya July 17-29, 2024
The team was able to help Pastor George Odero with Forward Ministries by finishing bunk beds for the Resource Center near his home. This Resource Center hosts pastoral trainings, missions teams, & many other ministry opportunities. They also visited hundreds of high school students & shared the good news of Jesus! This team was blessed to be part of many church services & evangelistic opportunities in surroundingcommunities.